12 September 2009

Flirting makes men dumb


Who’s ever heard of harmless flirting? Apparently it’s not as harmless as it looks.

A new research is suggesting that talking to attractive women is actually bad for a man’s brain.

This study revealed that men who spend even just a few minutes conversing with attractive women do more bad in tests measuring their brain function than talking with someone that they don’t fancy, the Daily Mail reports.

The researchers believe that it’s because men use up a lot of their “cognitive resources” trying to impress pretty ladies that they don’t have a lot of room doing anything else.

The research also revealed that it also influenced the level of productivity in the workplace, and the test scores in co-educational schools.

However, this doesn’t work the other way round, because women are found to be affected conversing with attractive men. The psychologists at Radboud University in Netherland believes that it is because men are programmed to think about mating opportunities.

The researchers took 40 male heterosexual students for study, giving then cognitive tests to test their levels. Then they spent several minutes talking to either a male or a female member of the team before doing the test again.

It was found that men were slower and less accurate after the chat, and the more they fancied them, the worse their mark.

But when it was done to their female counterparts, the affect was not shown in their results.

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05 September 2009

Busting Ladies get Ladybags


It can be very inconvenient for a lady if you have to pee, but the good news is that you can now relief yourself, anytime, anywhere.

A German company has developed a pocket urinal device that can be fitted into a woman’s handbag so they can use it whenever they need it. The “Ladybag” will reduce long queues and having to “do it” in filthy public toilets, wasted time, and having to pee in a yoghurt pot in the car on a highway, the company claims.

This mobile toilet is filled with a plastic bag filled with absorbent polymers that will turn urine into a type of gel. This toilet, which is ingeniously disguised as a leaf, is the size of a chocolate bar when folded, and it has a wide pink seat that can be used squatting, sitting, or standing and has graphic instructions printed on the bottom of the seat.

The gel is designed to absorb half a litre of liquid, but the bag itself can hold 1.25L for emergencies.

Inventor Eva Tinter said: “It can be used in cars, or at open-air festivals when you don’t want to queue. You can just nip around the back of the toilet and use this.”

However, the Ladybag is recommended for a one-time use, and it comes in a bag of three for $22USD.

“The gel prevents unpleasant smells and the bag can be disposed of in rubbish bins,”

Strangely, the company has already sold over 20,000 through pharmacies and the internet since it was developed last October.

“We’ve had orders from all over the world. Every glove compartment should have one,” Tinter said.

The “Roadbag” for men was launched in 2007.

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04 September 2009

Sex slave of 18 years taught her uneducated daughters

Jaycee Lee, a kidnapped sex slave of 18 yrs in 1991 has taught he uneducated daughters how to read and write, and are well versed on the internet, her aunt had revealed.

Tina Dugard also reported that their family still has emotional bursts of tears from the happiness of the realisation that Jaycee has finally been found after all those years.
Dugard (42) spent five days with Jaycee and her mother Terry Probyn after the unexpected news of her niece's return.

"We are all so overjoyed. My sister has spontaneous moments of joy. We'll be talking, and she'll just suddenly burst into happy tears, with a big smile on her face."

The aunt was also reduced to tears herself when she watched Jaycee's mother comb Jaycee's hair - something that hasn't been done for her since her lonely disappearance.

"I remember thinking: Wow, she's French-braiding Jaycee's hair for the first time in eighteen years."

Jaycee Dugard's two daughters were found to be quite educated and bright, even though they had never had been enrolled in a school before. It was said that Jaycee taught the girls how to read and write, as well as some of the star constellations.

However, while the daughters knew "what's going on", they are not allowed to watch the media coverage on their story.
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Children pressured to anorexia


Even at 10, children feel the pressure to have a perfect body which can lead to anorexia , a new study has founded.

Researchers has found that girls at primary schools were more likely to feel happy with their bodies if they are skinny, while on the other hand, things get more complicated with the boys feeling unhappy if they thought they were too skinny or too fat.

Harvard University warned that children who already feel under pressure in primary school will be more likely to use risky and dangerous dieting techniques, like induced vomiting, fasting or even using diet pills or laxatives later in their lives.

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03 September 2009

"Moon Rock" found fake!


The Dutch national museum said that one of its treasures, a rock that is apparently brought back from the moon by US astronauts is actually, in fact, just petrified wood worth about $90 USD.

The Rijiksmuseum's spokeswoman Xandra van Gelder who also took part in proving that the "moon rock" was a fake said that the museum would keep it anyway, just for curiosity and for a laugh.

"It's a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered," she said. "We can laugh about it."

The museum acquired the rock after the death of Willem Dreesman in 1988, a former prime minister.
Dreesman received it as a present on the 9th of October, 1969 from the US ambassador J. William Middendorf at a visit by the three Apollo Astronauts.

When it was on an exhibition in 2006, a space expert commented that it was rather unlikely for NASA to give away any souvenirs from the moon after a mere three months from the space mission.
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Bigamist tricks his 14 wives

Indian Engineer Tushar Waghmare has been charged with bigamy after marrying 14 wives in only less than two and a half years.

This case has revealed how desperate middle-class women in India are for a high-status husband.
Most of Waghmare's wives were highly educated, but were so into his professional qualifications that they did not question his marital backgrounds. Marriage is the most important aspect in India's strict hierarchical society.

The 40 yr old is an Air India engineer from Mumbai, and found the women on websites by describing himself as a divorcee looking for a woman with high career.
Three of the women that replied were in fact, ironically engineers or achitects, and they all married him.

The investigators reported that Waghmare has met all their families and impressed them with his $2000 dollars a month that they did not question him why he was only spending three nights a month with his newly wedded wife before saying he had to go and work away from home.

Detectives said that he was discovered when his salary would not cover all his 14 families, and they had to support him instead.

"None of them ever thought of doing a background check as they would be impressed with his job profile," reported a policeman.

However, this isn't the case in the US where a woman forced her husband to stand in public with a sign saying "I cheated. This is my punishment."

Willian Taylor in Virginia was embarrassed on a busy road with the large cardboard sign around his neck after his wife found out on his mobile.

Taylor told the TV: "I got to do what I got to do to make things right. So here I am."
After two hours and many honks from passing vehicles, his wife called him to say that he could come home.
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Kidnapped Girl found after 18 years

A girl that was kidnapped while walking to school has been found alive and well... 18 years later.

Jaycee Lee Dugard (29 yrs) walked into a Carlifornian Police Station this week and told them that she was the kidnapped victim of a 1991 abduction.
Police confirmed that she had two children by her kidnapper, a known sex offender who was arrested with his wife.

Fox News reported that Dugard had been kept as a sex slave, most likely in a shed, and had her first child at the age of only 14.

Phillip and Nancy Garrido had apparently went to the Police with Dugard to ask a question and were arrested when an officer became suspicious.
He checked Garrido (58) and found his conviction of rape and served prison in the 1980s.
Neighbours said that the couple lived with 3 young women who were kept inside the window-barred house.

Dugard was 11 see was seen kidnapped, screaming and kicking into a car.
However, nothing was heard of here until the arrests at the Antioch police station near San Francisco.

"I had personally given up all hope," said her stepfather Carl Probyn.

"I've been through hell," he had said, saying that the police and the extended family thought of him as the possible man being the act.

"I had just hoped for a recovery and to find the people responsible - now I've actually won the lotto."

The girl's mother Terry flied to nothern Carlifornia for an emotional reunion.
The Probyns, while still married, have lived apart since the kidnap.
Garrido was charged with kidnapping, conspiracy, rape and committing sexual acts with a minor. His wife (55) was also charged, with kidnapping and conspiracy.
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Online Social Networks increases Risk of Robbery

Stop blogging and avoid being targeted, says researchers.

A news report from British firm Legal & General has found that people who regularly update their status and profiles on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are at a higher risk of being targeted by robbers than their non-blogging friends.

The Digital Criminal report found that 38% of Facebook and Twitter users had posted updates about their holiday plans and when they will leave their houses, while a third of the bloggers told followers when they planned to be away for the weekend.

Reformed criminal Michael Fraser, who appears on the BBC's Beat the Burglar, helped the insurers develop the report. Fraser said that there was no doubt that criminals were using the internet to target people.

"I call it internet shopping for burglars," he commented.

"It is incredibly easy to use social networking sites to target people and then scope out more information on their actual home using other internet sites like Google Street View, all from the comfort of their sofa.

"It scares me to see how many people are prepared to give away valuable information about themselves, to people they simply don't know well enough - if at all."

It was found that 64% of 16 to 24 yr olds had detailed holiday plans online, and more than 70% of internet users said sites like Facebook were perfect for showing off new purchases for presents.

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