12 September 2009

Flirting makes men dumb

Who’s ever heard of harmless flirting? Apparently it’s not as harmless as it looks.

A new research is suggesting that talking to attractive women is actually bad for a man’s brain.

This study revealed that men who spend even just a few minutes conversing with attractive women do more bad in tests measuring their brain function than talking with someone that they don’t fancy, the Daily Mail reports.

The researchers believe that it’s because men use up a lot of their “cognitive resources” trying to impress pretty ladies that they don’t have a lot of room doing anything else.

The research also revealed that it also influenced the level of productivity in the workplace, and the test scores in co-educational schools.

However, this doesn’t work the other way round, because women are found to be affected conversing with attractive men. The psychologists at Radboud University in Netherland believes that it is because men are programmed to think about mating opportunities.

The researchers took 40 male heterosexual students for study, giving then cognitive tests to test their levels. Then they spent several minutes talking to either a male or a female member of the team before doing the test again.

It was found that men were slower and less accurate after the chat, and the more they fancied them, the worse their mark.

But when it was done to their female counterparts, the affect was not shown in their results.


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